Glad Trad Podcast
Risus et Bellum!
The Glad Trad Podcast is a series highlighting positive and exciting changes happening in Catholic Church, namely the rediscovery of the Traditional Latin Mass and a commitment to Catholic Orthodoxy. Oh, along with pipe smoking, rosary clutching, and some memes, naturally.
Glad Trad Podcast
Answering SSPX Objections w/The Traditional Thomist | Ep. 34
Come buy our indulgences...
The Traditional Thomist joins and answers common objections to the SSPX. Stay tuned for a part 2!
Subscribe to @thetraditionalthomist
00:00:00 We’re back baby!
00:06:07 Disinformation on the SSPX
00:12:33 Objection 1: The SSPX is sedevacantist
00:28:27 Objection 2: The SSPX is schismatic
00:42:41 Objection 3: The SSPX thinks the New Mass is harmful
01:04:55 Objection 4: There’s no need to attend the SSPX with full communion options
Thank you to our Patrons:
Jason Yoakam
Follow us @gladtradpodcast
Thank you to our Patrons / Channel Members:
Jason Yaokam
Kate Elmini
Carol J
Brenda Allor
Allan Smith
Kathryn Burks
Emilio Perea
Follow us @gladtradpodcast
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