Glad Trad Podcast
Risus et Bellum!
The Glad Trad Podcast is a series highlighting positive and exciting changes happening in Catholic Church, namely the rediscovery of the Traditional Latin Mass and a commitment to Catholic Orthodoxy. Oh, along with pipe smoking, rosary clutching, and some memes, naturally.
99 episodes
How to Make GREAT Catholic Content w/ Nathalie Domina | Trad Chat #19
Come buy our indulgences...Content creator and youtuber Nathalie Domina discusses her approach to making videos, reclaiming Catholic culture, and the intersection of modesty and fashi...

The BOOK That RUINED Catholic Churches! | Trad Chat LIVE
Come buy our indulgences...Let's go through the dumpster fire that tore out the altar rails and sent in the felt banners...Follow along if you dare

QUICK TIPS For the Best Lent Ever!
Come buy our indulgences...Lent is upon us, but take heart. Here's a quick video with some simple learned tips to have the best Lent ever

Is Donald Trump the New Napoleon? | Trad Chat LIVE 02.24.2025
Come buy our indulgences...Let's talk Trump, Napoleon, IVF, and anything else you wanna talk about!Also, Napoleon was better than the Bourbons. Fight me.

Is This The End of Pope Francis?
Come buy our indulgences...Pope Francis is in the hospital, so please offer prayers and fasting for his health. But, this is also a good time to reflect on his legacy and what legacy ...

Why CANADA Is Worth SAVING w/ Kennedy Hall | Trad Chat 18
Come buy our indulgences...Kennedy Hall is back to talk about Canadian politics, Democracy, and the ramifications of Trump's return to office. Leave your poutine at the door!00...

Drinking Taught me THIS About Prayer
Come buy our indulgences...Yeah, just water for the next short while...

He is PRESERVING The History Of The Church w/ Dermot Curtin | Trad Chat 17
Come buy our indulgences...Dermot Curtin of The Scriptorium Project joins to discuss his work translating and preserving Church writi...

My Sister Said THIS About Christmas Mass
Come buy our indulgences...Christmas Mass was a bit of an experience, but I never expected my sister to make such a pinpoint observation! God bless you all, and here's to the New Yea...

Bro... It's so over.No it isn't! It's time to gear up and enter into battle against pessimism! Don't let anything be a thief of your inner peace. Oh, and we're so back!__Thank you to our Patrons / Channel Members...

You aren't alone.With a week before the election, I'm happy to be casting my vote for Donald Trump, warts and all. Remember, God's Providence is what really matters, and to keep Him before all politics. Now, le...

The TRUTH About The Bishops w/ Bishop Joseph Strickland | Trad Chat 16
Come buy our indulgences...Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas joins to discuss his call to the priesthood, avoiding episcopal bureaucracy, and the boldness to always preach the...

Is it Time for a KING?
Come buy our indulgences...Let's take a quick overview of the state of American politics (oof.jpg). With all this tumult, maybe it's time to consider alternatives...Get <...

Is Pope Francis BANNING the Latin Mass?
Come buy our indulgences...Is the Banhammer coming? Maybe. Maybe not. But no matter what, we must trust that this is Christ's Church, and He will see to the preservation of the Mass ...

Harrison Butker STANDS UP for the Catholic Faith
Come buy our indulgences...And the Left is going crazy. But good; the Gospel should always be dangerous to a world of godlessness. Reject Modernity. Embrace Tradition.

He went from QUAKER to CATHOLIC PROFESSOR w/ Dr. Sean Innerst | Trad Chat 15
Come buy our indulgences...Dr. Sean Innerst, author & professor of Theology and Catechetics at the Augustine Institute &nb...

Candace Owens Becomes CATHOLIC!
Come buy our indulgences...And she's not the only one! There's something strange going on in the culture, but God is definitely on the move, and wants you to come along!__

He wants to GET HOLY or DIE TRYING w/ Estevan Covarrubias | Trad Chat 14
Come buy our indulgences...Estevan Covarrubias @SeekingSainthood joins to talk about his discovery of ...

Candace Owens QUITS Daily Wire
Come buy our indulgences...We don't yet know the reason... but yeah we all know the reason.Rudy Carlos returns! Along with

They just CANCELED his Latin Mass w/ The Traditional Thomist | Trad Chat 13
Come buy our indulgences...The Traditional Thomist returns to discuss a recent Latin Mass closure that affects him personally. But don't worry folks! Because New York is offering Tra...

Catholicism in Canada w/ Kennedy Hall | Trad Chat 12
Entrepreneur, voice actor, and beardlord Kennedy Hall joins to discuss his reversion to the faith, a defense of the SSPX, and the state of Catholicism in the Great White North.00:00:00 Kennedy’s background00:10:30 Finding Traditi...

The Case for Antipope Francis w/ Patrick Coffin | Trad Chat 11
Come buy our indulgences...Our most controversial episode. Well, if you're a normie.Patrick Coffin, apologist and host of Coffin Nation, joins to discuss ...

Yes, Trads, you are being GASLIT | Response to Fiducia Supplicans
Come buy our indulgences...But don't worry, they can't take away your faith, and fidelity to the Tradition of the Church! 2024 is going to be a great year with som...