Glad Trad Podcast
Risus et Bellum!
The Glad Trad Podcast is a series highlighting positive and exciting changes happening in Catholic Church, namely the rediscovery of the Traditional Latin Mass and a commitment to Catholic Orthodoxy. Oh, along with pipe smoking, rosary clutching, and some memes, naturally.
Glad Trad Podcast
CRAFTING a CATHOLIC FILM w/ Solenne Santiago | Trad Chat 9
Come buy our indulgences...
Solenne Santiago, the writer/director of the short film 'Faith Prevails', joins to discuss how to write, shoot, and edit movies, and in turn restore the tradition of great Catholic storytelling.
Watch 'Faith Prevails'
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:25 Intro to Faith Prevails short film
00:03:00 The indie production process
00:11:20 On Catholic filmmaking
00:15:30 Why this film is popular
00:20:00 How Faith Prevails was Made
00:46:30 Outlook for filmmaking in the future
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Thank you to our Patrons:
Jason Yoakam
Follow us @gladtradpodcast
Thank you to our Patrons / Channel Members:
Jason Yaokam
Kate Elmini
Carol J
Brenda Allor
Allan Smith
Kathryn Burks
Emilio Perea
Follow us @gladtradpodcast
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