Glad Trad Podcast

How to WIN at Apologetics w/ Steve Ray | Trad Chat 10

Glad Trad Podcast

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Apologist extraordinaire Steve Ray joins to discuss his approach to defending the Catholic Faith, the future of Protestantism, and the importance of unity in the Church.

Check out Steve's books / pilgrimages at

00:00:00 Introduction

00:01:00 Steve’s new book ‘Genesis’

00:05:30 Approach to apologetics

00:21:30 What started Steve’s apologetics

00:30:03 Importance of unity of the Church

00:38:08 The future of Protestantism

00:43:00 Splits in the Church

00:50:00 Better to focus on local matters


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Jason Yoakam

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Jason Yaokam
Kate Elmini
Carol J
Brenda Allor
Allan Smith
Kathryn Burks
Emilio Perea

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